Joe Rosochacki Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hula Hoop And Frisbees And Silly String Oh My!

The last Wham-O co-owner died today,
Richard Kneer was a partner Arthur "Spud" Melin,
They launched an empire of fun,
The toys they manufactured are played by young people today.

I saw her again last night
And you know that I shouldn't
To string her along's just not right
If I couldn't I wouldn't


The HMS Hood was sunk by the NAZI ship, the Bismarck.
All the world was hoodwinked for it appeased the rise of Hitler.
The world dropped the ball,
Henry Ford gave money to Hitler's rise to power.

Holy, Sister Mary Nudea!

Being schooled in Parochial Catholic Schools I find it hard to imagine,
The thought of that I had would be nude on FACEBOOK.
It’s been,
A long time but I dare look,

I Do Recall Firestone Tires

Bridgestone/Firestone is recalling tires again.
Firestone that it was the driver’s fault before.
I do Recall -- in 1975, back then.
I had just purchased my Chevy Monza fastback

James Hale,37,
-says he is the Church of the IV Majesties' lord high master of the Infernal Council.
What the hell?
James, it seems has booked Civic Center Music Hall in downtown Oklahoma City,

(This the 500th observation I wrote. How befitting to write words that are concerning words.)

Searching through card catalogs,
From everything from chemistry, history, anthropology,

Duchess Ellington

Oh, Ricardo, alias Racquel,
Why do you want to sue me?
For others, as myself, the State of Michigan,
And you behind prison bars, HA, do tell, do tell,

Boeing, Boeing Gone

There once was a Canadian pilot from Toronto,
He had a break from his mental condition and so I’m told,
He wanted to speak to God,
The crew catered to his whim they’d nod,

On November twenty-third,
In Fayetteville, Arkansas,
It was apparent
In McDonald Land there a crime,

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