John Carter Brown Poems

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My Memory

If only I could remember
Even half the things I've read,
The poring o'er of countless books
To fill my empty head


It's summer and they buzz around
Producing lots of buzzing sound,
Doing what all flies do best,
Confirming that they are a pest.

Have You Noticed?

Whenever both your hands are full
There's always something to scratch?
It could be an eyelid, an ear or your nose,


German kids are well behaved
They help, and never hinder,
I guess it is because they are
A kinder kinda kinder.

Her Tiny Thumb

She sticks her tiny thumb up
I sally out the room
I go to put the kettle on
She lies there in full bloom

Ready To Go

As I sit by the hearth
At the close of the day
And ponder my life, as it's been,
I slowly recall, in my misty minds-eye

Limerick 051

A criminal type name of Potter
Was wed to a schemer and plotter;
He vowed that if she
Undid him, that he

Limerick 062

A saucy young farm-girl named Kay
Went quietly missing one day;
She was caught on the farm
With a boy on her arm

Limerick 068

There was an old actor from Bali
Who dreamt up, for his grand finale,
A thespian deed
That only succeeded

Limerick 076

There was a young fella named Pete
Who was born with two uneven feet;
He was tall - a six-footer,
But veered to the gutter

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