Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Rites Which Rights Forget

Disembark repressive self-control
Try, fly, soar high, reversing former role,
self-sacrifice (however noble cause)
is self-destruction tunnelling blind mole.

Alphabetical Mirrored Phantom Quest For Infinity

Although beliefs creating dream existence fan great hopes'
infinity, judge! Knelled linchpin only, permanence quivering,
resurrection seems thesis untenable, verity's xylem yarn zapped..

Cynosure 1314 Current Version

Deep sensitivity may not secure
soul's struggle against fear where envy, greed
undermine ambitions fine, immure
the mind behind walls high when freedom's need

Haiku Point Of Who

Make No Mistake

Make no mistake, much laughter masks hid fears
or insecurities few wish to show
to heartless world that rats, repays with tears
of spite lightheartedness that seems to glow.

One Must Not Play At Second Violin

One must not play at second violin,
sway, pointless puppet dangling on display,
bend as and when it suits, soft putty, clay
moulded to set roles. This pulls heart's string


Is it already time to part? So soon
Summer ending just as it begun.
April fools July those glad in June
Brief joysous moments when two felt one.

Tanka 1001 I Love You

Three short words: Phoenix,
melting all misconceptions,
wings over the Styx.
Yin Yang grow flow together

Slow Time Undermine's Flow's Climb

Slow beats heart's flow, forgets dreams' themes once sought
Too soon faith fails, spins cobweb wraiths, sins caught
In Time's checkmate matrix grid lock. Once bold
Music wild, soul's passion dims, defiled, short-sold.

Tract On Attraction 2009 Version

Tract on Attraction: Action sans Reaction, Traction sans Retraction, Contract without Contraction

Which of Fate or Freewill omnipotent
presides over mice, men, their lice?

Error Success