Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
On The Hook

Moonshine madness or an open book
imprinted with key code of cause, expect?
Rainbow skeins need braiding to effect
interactions worth a second look.

An Answer

Seek not in sect the answer to lost soul
As narrow road leads into narrow mind.
Make most of opportunity to find
A way to join both Search and Way made whole.

Kitten Glide Ride Guide

Knots tied tried tummies up in floats
In glide ride scene imprinted here
Tale told shows tailed cat soars from boat
Then surely lands sore: shorewards steer


Love cleansed today dreams interplay
complete, spoon, fork and knife,
derides dismay, lined cares which prey
upon brief Beauty’s life.

Indifference Walls

Walls are locks, cemented security,
ARE minds indifferent to songs men sing,
Locks internal which always inwards swing,
Cemented, defend mental obscurity.

N.G.O. Memberships

No diplomat, untried, I pledge my efforts, for
Great hopes and greater need in ISOC are retained,
Onwards Time's pulses speed, much needs to be explained.
Much must be clarified coherently before

Stitches In Time

Some skins shed, stray, when Fortune spins flawed dice,
One moment white they pray, the next play black,
May here run hot, cold there, protect p[l]ayback
Expected to reward their wayward vice.

Guarded Gates

Guarded gates, emotions sealed inside,
where nightmare walls won’t fall till trust is shared,
wait pseudo-sheltered, shuttered weight, unpaired,
preferring fearful hide to bright world wide.

Prose Poem On The Mind's Universe I

If the mind may be a universe unto itself, may the universe be a mind unto itself, and, if so, can it mind that minds can can, or cannot can, or encapsulate along a dotted line frame form spurning former formal form frames as fresh fusion transforms confusion into a cohesive constellation of potential energy particles?

A state me[a]ntal line, desperate to [t]race light, as if its existence depended upon its s[p]eed, soars, curving, arching, starching star

Mirrors In The Mind 963

Multilingual input generates
interactions as synaptic flows
call into question limits scaled, propose
an interplay as mind anticipates

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