Jorebungley Darjeeling Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ode To The Mountains And Its Amazing People

Ode to the Mountains and its Amazing People

Amazing, Awesome, Astonishing
Beautiful, Brave, Bewildering

The Regret

The Regret
Up the down winding road, I remember walking
In a hurry, but in an unhurried way
I knew you'd be waiting, so I didn't rush


In the original testament
it was never said
Gods had to be merciful and kind
only later did the humans add

An Uncanny Rebel: Lament Of The Tea Garden Worker

I see bushes full of tea grow, drowning our myriad sorrows
Uncomplaining we work, in the hopes for a better tomorrow;
For centuries and some more years yet, we have been cheated
We till the land with our sweat; our cause continues to be defeated.

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