karamia smith

karamia smith Poems

As I sit and think
About what I'm gonna do
I can't help but smile
When I think of you.

So many things happened before
Hurt, lies, and betrayal
When you walked out of my life through that door
I thought, 'How can I prevail? '.

I know we've had rough spots in the past
But you've come back to me again
This time I know our love will last
Because you're still my best friend.

It seems that no one wants us together...
Everyone wants us apart.
But that could never happen my love...
It would just brake my heart.

Surrounded by toys
A puppy, a doll
Life's little joys
Too big for them all.

I'm sitting here thinking about
How you changed my life
Without your wonderful love
I'd still be caught in strife.

My mind keeps going back
To the day we met
And how I just knew
You'd be someone I'd never forget.

Baby I'm so sorry
For everything I've done
I know I screwed up badly
But you're still my #1.

I know that you are hurting
And things are hard for you now
But just know you're not alone
I'm here to help you out.

The greatest poet in my life
Is very special to me
She's always helped me with my strife
And tried hard to make me happy.

You said you loved me
But did you mean it
You made promises
That you never kept

The Best Poem Of karamia smith

You'Re Always In My Heart

As I sit and think
About what I'm gonna do
I can't help but smile
When I think of you.
You got me all messed up
You know I feel so lost
I just wanna talk to you
No matter what the cost.
I keep thinking about you
I don't want you to go
I think I'm going crazy
I thought you should know.
I haven't known you very long
But you're stuck in my head
I'm so very confused
I can't forget what you said.
You mean a lot to me
And this is just a start
When you feel like no one cares
You're always in my heart.

karamia smith Comments

Toni Bellanger 01 June 2009

ur the best kind of poet. Ur style is simple, direct, & screaming with emotion

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