Kathleen Reguindin

Kathleen Reguindin Poems

Scanning the horizon
I see the sun peeking out from the east
Slowly making an appearance.
In multi-coloured splendor

Shhh, the world’s still sleeping and outside it’s chilly
The BER months are upon us and cooler weather prevails
The season has changed, vibrant fall colours abound.

I get out of bed, a new day is ahead

Day in, day out
They go about their business.
The men in blue suits, looking dapper
The women all spruced up and looking fresh.

Around me, he plays and flutters
A week-old orange and black, against the sun he glitters
He flits and floats from flower to flower
Savoring the subtle sweetness of nectar.

"I am the captain of my ship and the master of my destiny! "
Where I go, how to follow the winds of life, no one can tell me
The life I make for myself is up to me.
Supported by God's disposition and clemency.

When my day goes in motion
When I don’t pay attention
Life’s many blessings
Will be drowned by daily stressings!

The air that we breathe is no longer clean and pure
Contaminated by toxic fumes and chemicals that vehicles and factories spew
Oceans of the earth dumping grounds for man's waste
Slowly releasing poisons into waters where live creatures of the sea.

Reena, at dawn, you were born
What a great day it was that morn
Laying my eyes on you the first time
My first child, what an overwhelming feeling...

Staring at the white space of this page
Nothing comes out, my eyes are glazed,
Struggling to put words together, to write
But they elude me now, the words don't come out right.

Dawn has broken and morning’s arrived
Here comes the sun, its warmth starts infusing me with life
As I lie on my bed, still enjoying its softness.
It’s time to get up and go about my business!

Since childhood, he was fascinated by the Atlantic Ocean
Spending hours daydreaming of circumnavigation
To build his own sailboat was his lofty ambition
His heart set on this expensive and maybe foolish mission.

Vivid in my mind are my childhood days
And one special place in San Juan I call home.
Ten children in all, growing up together
Imagine what a challenge that was for my mother and father!

I want to be with you, I can’t get enough of you
Beside you, I am refreshed, invigorated.
Like a rainfall so badly needed
On land that is dry and arid.

Over time, bodies grow flabbier and weaker
Bones thin out and crack, falling down could be a disaster
Liver spots, sight going, pot bellies, loss of hearing
Teeth have fallen, replaced by dentures, no more joy in eating

In this vast earth
Where will I find the one
With whom I have a strong bond?

Anticipation in what lies ahead of me
Dives in the ocean, across the sky hanggliding
Venturing into the European meadows and mountains
Eager, so excited to bike and hike every ciudad, ville and town.

Standing at the mountain base
Into the heavens I gaze
Beyond is my ultimate destination
To get there I must climb this mountain.

Bold, risky
Moving, exciting, animated.
Trek, travel, reality, inertia

Harsh, contentious
Clashing, aggravating, divided
Tension, friction, order, calm

Stress got to me, I feel off-balance
It’s been a while since a scowl replaced my smile.
I head out to the woods, my refuge
I take a deep breath and start walking.

The Best Poem Of Kathleen Reguindin

Dawn At Lake Erie

Scanning the horizon
I see the sun peeking out from the east
Slowly making an appearance.
In multi-coloured splendor
Her celestial shrouds with tints of pink and orange
Paint up the sky, her beautiful canvas.

The lake softly whispers to me
Clouds of mist rising a few inches above her
The wind subtly blows her a kiss
And touches her with an airy caress.
I see gentle ripples forming on the water
As if nudging her, “Wake up from your sleep, it's a new day”.

Overhead, a flurry of activity among gulls and terns
Without flapping their wings
Allow the breeze to carry them, they drift and soar.
Families of eider ducks playing and diving close to shore
They tip their bodies forward and look for life forms to feed.

This magical moment I enjoy
From my special place on the boat
I raise my face to the heavens above
And quietly say my prayer of gratitude.
For the gift of another dawn
A chance for a clean slate.
A day of new hopes and fresh beginnings.

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