kawambee thomas

kawambee thomas Poems

My mind is distorted by reoccurrences of past experiences
Somehow the sight of my own reflection increases my loneliness
I found myself coming in and out of this conscious state
Contemplating while debating hoping one day to be free of my ways

Love was never an open ended friend that I could trust
It was always an illusion brought on by the deepening of lust
They say you should never base your trust on what lies in the past
But then they also say you should never let it go too fast

I’m exposed to the worse type of individuals but endured the best
I’ve seen every malicious act from envy and betrayal
Acknowledge death for what it is and still move forward
My bumps and bruises will all heal

Sometimes the pain of insecurities
Runs deep into your entity
Extinguishing your serenity
Traveling through the sands of your existence

I should be studying now but for that I'm uninspired
I should have my head in the book yet for that I'm feelin tired
I should have started the lesson for completion but I don’t know where to begin
I should have stayed focused on my mission so that when I'm up to fight I win

You came in my life at a time
When I knew the lonely would never end
I didn’t even care to change it
With alone I was content

When you look to the stars, what do you see?
I see a whole lot; do you think you can feel me?
A shining eternity, so far that it’s near,
Nothing is real, what you see, what you hear.

Would it be selfish of me to blind the world so another man could never envision you
Would it be selfish of me to only share the air you breathe so you would never be contaminated by the impurities of the world?
Would it be selfish of me to stop time only for you to live another second
Would it be selfish of me to wish I was your hands so I could touch you as frequently as possible?

Like a flower blooming amidst the snow
Or a single leaf in the wind as it blows

A wave of sound across the sky

Life - so chaotic as it twists and it turns.
Like being bare foot in the sand as it burns.

Love is explained as honesty, happiness and joy
Life contradicts it by the spoils of war
Love precedes it with honor and commitment
Life tells it be careful and don’t trust it

Looking into your eyes, I see life as a newborn first being delivered
With such innocence and delicateness I grab hold bringing you close to my heart
Praying everyday that I lead you in the right path
Hoping to never mislead the true nature of your womanhood but identifying your soul


Two different people from two different worlds,
Two separate moments one love unfurls
There’s nothing like passion, unending desire,
There’s nothing like a love from a spark to a fire


The distilled weary look you give me, when I say come here
Tense to the point of cracking your own reflection
Your eyes burn full of sorrow and cry
Your soul seems to be as dead as a fog streaming across a grave


U can’t seem to know a person’s self if your clouded by your own emotions
Recognize my pain but acknowledge my heart still loves
My greatest success is my failures, my development came from love
But does my weakness and unsettle times determine my soul


It’s a undoubting feeling that churns deep inside
It’s the rebirth or metamorphous that wants life
How can you explain the unnatural or things you can’t control
Why it’s presence are so powerful everybody wants to grab hold

I’m tryin to express my love to you
Tell me what I need to do
As I begin to open up
As u take a closer look

Yeah I know loving me was never easy
One minute I’m happy and the next I’m worried
All these unexpected emotions is like a roller coaster
Only this time it’s like us riding blind folded

What keeps me so close to you?
Is it the endless rain drops?
Or my falsetto of echoes whispering continuously
Caressing your ear drums

Controversy has always been my story
From everyday living, leaving Islam converting into a Christian
I knew standing on my two feet would cause catastrophe and heat
Still I pushed aside my pride while holding in my cries

The Best Poem Of kawambee thomas

Prison Of Mind

My mind is distorted by reoccurrences of past experiences
Somehow the sight of my own reflection increases my loneliness
I found myself coming in and out of this conscious state
Contemplating while debating hoping one day to be free of my ways
But then I find myself back to the starting point of this pen
When I fall to my knees kneeling my head into my hands
It’s me with this mental imprisonment and only can save him
My prison of mind

What I’m about to tell you is a common trait that every lost soul goes through
But stay with me listen and don’t judge
Because this common trait of sickness is a dope fiend’s drug
Yeah this drug causes ignorance
To the point of disrespecting every beautiful black woman’s vision
Creating children but never raising them
Telling every woman you love them just to sleep with them
Forgetting the true identity of our existence
I’m telling you this story because it was you my sista who was my victim
My prison of mind

Let’s reiterate my sickness the next phase we’ll speak about was my existence
This is every young mans mistake
Was it TV or society that determined our fate?
Or was it the household I resided in
Where constant cussing and fussing became my new found friend
Where TV had me thinking this is the life to live
Where society only flocks to the rich
Where every poor common fellow doesn’t carry a chance
Now I’m left with this vision “I’ll never be a man”.
My prison of mind

The next part of my vision is the most intriguing
The mental part of a young man who’s trying to find himself
This part is based upon self-identity
Where every young mind is struggling
And why do I speak so carefully about this
Because it’s the reason a million black men are incarcerated
Why woman of today has to be that man
Why another 6 million babies are strung out on heroin
And why the children of today is mentally infected
Becoming the epidemic of sex, money and violence
They don’t even know the meaning of respect
They are babies raising new babies being part of the domino effect
Now you tell me their chance, soon as they stepped out the womb
Society already written them off, calling them a product of their environment
So now the government is making a profit
Taking our babies away from their homes, finding new homes calling them foster kids
When in actuality the welfare of our children turned into a government asset
When in reality their chances were better in the hands of their mother u labeled unstable
And as a result the second versus of this poem is why our children are lost
My prison of mind!

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