Kimbaline Navas (she who waits) Poems

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Last Night An Angel Took Her Home

Last night an angel took my mother home, as she fell off to sleep she had a visitor waiting to take her to her place in heaven.

Where the angel’s dance on the soft clouds the aroma of peace surround the heart and worldly anguish she will no longer endure for now she is at rest.

My Sunset

I close my eyes and I can vision my sunset laid across the water with clouds gently placed on top.

The yellow is so bright that it consumes my thoughts I fall deeper into the colors of the sun so that I could touch the orange glow, what a soft feeling, my sunset.

Hurtful Words

Be careful with the words you use you never know when it will turn on you or better yet just how it will take it toll on the other party who is receiving it.

Hurtful words can cut like a knife splitting one soul apart making them feel like ending their life…

No More Fear

No more fear of survival refuse to live in fear of myself any longer.

No more fear of never being respected or acknowledged by you for who I am.

Puerto Rican Odyssey.

As a princess in this world of unsure things a beauty from heaven rings,
Puerto Rican Queen is what you will turn out to be from the inland where the waters are true blue, sands are as soft as your skin,
eyes as a secret waiting to be told, arms that everyone wants to behold,
the choice one is who you are the name will be placed upon the stars.

No Longer

As I set and look into this wasted reflection of a human being, my life quickly passes right in front of my eyes.

What was once just a shadow is now what I live as for the rest of my punishing life.

Last Night

Hello Love,
how are you doing? Last night I wiped the tears from your eyes but they did not stop,
I looked over your shoulder and I seen you was holding a picture of us and I realize at that point you can not see me, I know you can feel my present I am still here with you.

I Am Waiting For You

My heart is crying it needs to be loved; my true desire is for you to fit like a glove.
I am waiting for you to save my life, take my hand and let me be your wife.
I love you with heart filled of tears the time that we share is showing me fear.
I am waiting for you to find your way home, I can see you are confused and lost out in the storm.

A Lost Feeling Of Love

A lost feeling of love, living life thoughts of what was and what should have been, a good feeling of you, a simple touch from the heart.
A lost feeling of love miles & miles between us, Oceans & lands to far too see your loving face the words "I miss you, " placed upon my lips and feeling of lost love enters in to my heart.
A lost feeling of love because of the distance my heart cries out I am yearning for you, your touch, your kiss, A sweet embrace to feel your soft skin and to see your beautiful face this is what I am missing, this is what my heart need.
As I lay a sleep I can see you from across the room your eyes took over my soul and I was yours for the taking. As I can see your heavenly face as if an angel fell from the sky above & your beauty is all I see.

Black Clouds

Blackness fills my room too quick, This sadness is coming on too thick…
I can't stop this feeling that is taking over my very thoughts, I am lost in the darkness of the clouds and I don't see anyone around.
"Come save me please, " don't let me drift into the blackness of my mind; don't let me lose my soul because I am out of control.
This depressed feeling has me in the blackness of the clouds not being able see what beauty that it possess, and how powerful the clouds are when they unite as one.

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