Kimberly Lindsey

Kimberly Lindsey Poems

Sadness, weeping.
Chest, heaving.
Head, pounding.
Eyes, leaking.

I am hurt by your callousness,
I am angry at your denial,

I love you, and that makes no sense,

I turn to tell you something,
Of no consequence, I am sure,
Eyes bright, and face all a-glow,
With a smile from ear to ear.

Sometimes my mind is as it should be,
And others it appears to be… screwed.
I panic and can not seem to find
The strength to make it stop.

I will paint my eyes, just the way you like.
I will grow out my hair, just for you.

I will line my lips, and do up the nails,

I see with my eyes, my head, and my heart.
Not all things are the same, they are viewed separately.

My eyes see, what is there, nothing more, nothing less,

I am afraid.
I am happy.
I am sad and alone.

I have so many emotions,
And things to say, to you.
I don’t know where to start,
Or what I will do.

Afraid to succeed, Afraid to fail,
Afraid to do nothing, Afraid to no avail.

Afraid of fear, Ruining my life.

I have three daughters,
They are beautiful, wish you could see.
I love them, more than life itself.

Lord God, Lord Jesus,
I thank you for all you’ve done.
You are the light of the world, and our salvation.
Without Your love and forgiveness,

When I think about your love, I am so scared, deep inside.
You have hurt me before, the scars I try to hide.

But, just as I look at you, and forgive you,

As a child I never thought to be just a wife,
I had grandiose dreams, would make great strides.
A nurse, a teacher, an interior decorator,
A singer, a dancer, a writer, a wrestler.

Once, I thought I would marry,
Just one time in my life.
Once, I thought I could change the world,
To better all our lives.

I was shopping the other day,
And heard a child cry.
It reached into my heart
And and dug in,


I pray with questions, dreams and wants.
Not expecting ALL to be granted,
Not expecting that they not.

I feel as if I must apologize,
To the man that always stands by my side.
For causing him worry and grief,
And making his blood pressure rise.

I miss the way you make me laugh, most often at myself.
Your cute little jokes that only you and I get… I miss you, baby.

I miss the way you talk to me, when no one can hear,

We often think, if we could change the past,
We would be happy, content, no regrets.
But changing past mistakes, only opens the door,
For new and greater hurt, no more, less.

I love to say the word “husband”
It makes me smile inside.
I love to be called Mrs.
It reminds me I am yours for all time.

Kimberly Lindsey Biography

I am a mother and grandmother. I am a writer of poems, short stories, and attempting the novel. I have written since I was a child, and find it therapeutic, as well as enjoyable. I tend to write with feeling as the major point, but, also fantasy.)

The Best Poem Of Kimberly Lindsey

Devastated Heart

Sadness, weeping.
Chest, heaving.
Head, pounding.
Eyes, leaking.
Hands, shaking.
Nose, running.
Voice, lost.
Words, hiding.
Heart, shattered.
Soul, crushed.

Kimberly Lindsey Comments

Jerry Hughes 16 November 2009

Bigger picture in your bio please, you look great but tiny. Warmly, Jerry

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