Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Destruction As A Purposed Function

Many refuse to accept,
Or comprehend their negligence affects...
What they have done that stuns and comes back,
To their own doorsteps to attack.

Certified To Validate Common Sense

Listening with a desire to comprehend,
Increases one's ability to understand.
Welcomes others to acknowledge,

In Places Observed

So accustomed to sabotaging themselves,
To achieve an expected result...
From a routine practiced and done,
They are often seen running as if excited...

Into Self Annointing Myths

Definite, defined and cemented in concrete,
Is not a good place to be...
When changes come to establish a new arrangement,
That is complete with a total upheaval...

The Taste Of Deceit

Not discuss treason.
Or the reason why...
We attempt to try to deny,

Too Down To Earth

Are those wise who are observant,
To question with curiosity...
That which seems disconnected,
But appears to be accepted to affect...

Granted Powers To Disrespect

People have taken their lives too lightly.
With expectations of an easy serving of entitlements.
Only those who volunteered and fought for the rights,
To keep them intact should receive gratitude.

Dismissing Thoughts Of Impossibilities

Valiant and courageous are those who remain focused to stay,
Determined to realize their dreams despite opposition in their way.
Or positions some may take to plant obstacles on their paths.

Inheritable Instincts

It does not matter on which shores,
Who follows or leads, cheats and deceives.
It doesn't matter who takes or gives,

Do This!

Forget about each yesterday.
And what was wished,
To leave not happen...
With a letting of time from you slip.

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