Lesego Tsiu

Lesego Tsiu Poems

She greets you with a smile,
Out of sight she waves from a mile,
Love fills her cute brown eyes,
But shuts them so quick,

Our love is like a drug and i'm so
No matter what,
i can't even be helped by rehab,

I'm trying my best,
You are unique,
Not like the rest,
You are special to my heart,

Am i going to be alone again?
Am i going to be without a girlfriend,
Am i going to miss out on love?
Is this going happen one more time?

Somebody wanted my love,
She begged and even pleading,
She was even crying,
But i couldn't give it her,

Through the storm and challenges of the earth,
Through the rain and flooded roads of success,
I will make it.

You touched so many people's lives,
To us your smile brought a new light,
You were so much in your short life.

There is no mercy in its name,
Its called Aids,
You may underestimate,
Call it American Ideas of Destroying Sex,

Do u think of me
As much as i do?
Am i the 1st thing on your mind in the morning,
And the last in the evening?

How did i fall for you,
When did i become so stupid,
So dumb not to even see,
What your so called love does to me.

Another day,
Another way,
Another you and me,

When your hands cant hold on any longer,
When your heart has had enough to bear,
When your cheeks have a railway of a tear.

She may be far from me,
But love brings us closer,
Distance makes the heart grow fonder,
We love each other more now.


I've grown up to see,
Life aint how it used to be when i was young,
I've grown up to realise,
Not everybody who said they love me,

Its weighing heavy on my shoulders
Aint getting younger but older
Alone the road is getting longer
I need the company of your love

The shining light in my life
The bright star that always shone
The greatest thing in my life
A discovered treasure i once lost

You hid me from the eyes of the devil,
Protected me from all bad and evil,
Untied me from the bounds of the earth,
Its all by grace.

How was i to know that moving on would leave a pain in ur heart?
How was i to know that parting ways with you will make you cry all night?
How was i to know that leavin' you would be a big problem for you?
How was i to know that i was a part of you that never had to leave?

Its too much pain for me, i cant handle it right now, its wearing over my heart, its really bringing me down, its taking a part of me down and its really hard for me to get up from this please help me out.

I'm faced with too much work load, its really hard for me to cope, its hard for me to think of anything else just the work i'm faced with, i'm faced with tasks that needs my undivided attention, i think i might need a helping hand please provide me with that.

You've been around for a long time, you've broke hearts during your life time, now its my time to make things right, my turn to try and write a new chapter of our life, a chapter that people would love, a chapter that people will think of and say 'He was the man.'

You've been around and have done good things but the bad things that you have done overshadows the good that you think you have done, now i have to mop up all the dirt that you have left behind, i hav to clean up after you.

Lesego Tsiu Biography

Born: SEPTEMBER 14 1993 Lesego Godfrey Tsiu is a South African Young Poet and also writes short stories. Born in Bothaville Kgotsong, Free State, South Africa, started writting in 2004, At the age of 11, He also started writting songs. He writes poems, Motivational Messages, Short-Stories and Novels, Lesego is multi-talented, He is a Dancer, Actor, singer, songwritter, and a poet.)

The Best Poem Of Lesego Tsiu

The Hard To Get Girl

She greets you with a smile,
Out of sight she waves from a mile,
Love fills her cute brown eyes,
But shuts them so quick,
'Cause she doeesnt want her strategy blown

She sometimes says,
Please come to my place,
You then think you got her,
But she says NO!

She finally gave you her numbers,
Said call me if you miss me,
But there's one number missing,
Trying to explain to her the error,
She sents you on a mission.

The hard to get girl,
To her friends you're her man,
To you she says just friends,
Will you ever get her?

She plays her game so well,
Doesnt matter if you get hurt,
Only her rules apply,
If you're about to win,
The rules change.

The hard to get girl,
Takes you on a ride,
She's so beautiful and fine,
You say 'I wish you could be mine'
But sadly not this time.

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