Lieketseng Ntsala

Lieketseng Ntsala Poems

It's that subtle selfishness
That underlying 'me' - ness
That I-ness in your eyes...
I see it you

I guess it is true - there is no other place like home.
E se ile sebaka ke li mona mosa le mawatle - ke seki hopotsi batho bahaeso joale.
Ke hopotsi puo ea mme lentate
Lijo tsa nkgono

I never doubted the fact that one day true love could be
Always knew that some day he would manifest himself to me
Now everytime I breath
My hearst sings a new song

I never doubted the fact that one day true love could be
Always knew that some day he would manifest himself to me
Now everytime I breath
My hearst sings a new song

Yes, I think like you
Yes, I think about you more than I ought to
Yes, I want to kiss you
Yes, Yes, Yes!

My breath
My air
My Soul
My part of me that's just not there

What makes me free is knowing that there is more to life than my immediate reality
What makes me free is having the ability to know that untill we as a people break our mental shackles
We can roam the gloab as far and wide as we please
We can go to the best schools money can afford

I'm glad I don't have to walk aroung kaPassa
I'm greatful that my parents, aunts, uncles, neighbours had the will to go through and survive '76
Those that didn't, didn't die in vain
Those who went missing - well for them I guess I could say the same

(Listening to Beyonce's Flaws and All)

TO: Love that was

Thank heavens I don't have an addictive personality
I'd be a crack addict
Some twisted 'love' junky

She has a new bounce in her step
Knees were a lil shacky when she decided to step
Voice a lil squeaky when she finally yelled 'Voestek'
Now she's more confident

Sel'e kaak - different Bak!

Dis hoe ek nou voel.
It's so obvious

Lieketseng Ntsala Biography

I'm a soul that's lived long and hard but very young. I recently found out that I was gypsy in a past life and that my true calling is healing and my strength is communication. I have always found solace in poetry and I guess now I want to share it with the world. I'm an infant to this - eager to show off my gift. I'm on a journey of self redicovery - with all that being said I am ME. I AM.)

The Best Poem Of Lieketseng Ntsala

Same Difference

It's that subtle selfishness
That underlying 'me' - ness
That I-ness in your eyes...
I see it you
Just as I saw it in him too

It's like me doing all that I can to let you know that I got your back
While you just stand there and try figure just how far back
My back will bend for you
It'd be so easy for me to assume that there's no difference between the two
But you are you
And it's just...
You know the tiny
Itty Bitty 'unnoticeable things you'll do

Like how when yu haveing a bad day
I should
Cut and paste the things I might say
Out loud or in my head
Like how when You are in a grove
I should 'expect' you to unexpectedly snap at any moment
- Oh and that when you do
It's not that you intend to
You know...
It's just that things like that happen
When YOU are in a groove

It might be because you just did it that I'm 'venting'
If you haven't already realised
Writting is my therapy
I'm not mad
Maybe dented a bit
But definately not mad
That's just you
When YOU are in your groove

I've seen something VERY similar to this before
He had it
And you seem to have it too
It's that subtle selfishness
That underlying 'me' - ness

Note to 'the newness'
I found a name for what you are to me
- A Complex simplicity

That I-ness in your eyes...
I see it you
Just as I saw it in you too

Lieketseng Ntsala Comments

Lucianne Fasolo 25 January 2007

You have an interesting style, post modernist or something. But I still think your poems look more like dialogs. I'm not saying you should use sixth grade rhyming, ok? ;) Just some shaping would do them good, I think. Anyway, that's only my opinion.

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