M. Asim Nehal Poems

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Lovely Night ~

When the moon dances on the sea waves,
While we do the eye-tango under the pine tree,
The moon and its beam play with nature,
And we play with our hearts, immersed in love.

Senryu- Tears.

these ripples in love
spinning, emotional heart
tears roll down the cheek

Short Poem ~ Test

To test the true humanity in humans ~
Check their greed level.
And how they deal with down trodden
The truth will come up like cream on boiled milk.

A Question - Haiku

fragrance of jasmine
a night filled with ecstasy
will we meet again?

Kuch Sher ~ 12

Nahin milTi raahat is be-chain dil ko
Chaak hokar bhee ye taro taaza hai

Lahoo ko kaise ye sanjoh ke rakhata hai

My Story - Covid-19

I started my journey from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.
You can say it's my birthplace, I belong to a novel family,
My two elders MERS and SARS were born much earlier than me.
There are many researchers who link my origin to bats or pangolins

New Morning Song~

Sing to me Oh yellow sunflowers,
And then swing and dance:
Year of stress has passed and gone,
This is your golden chance.

Senryu ~ My Poem.

pop into my dreams
i shall decorate with words
and make my poem

Haiku - 81 - Spring

Lost In Self

We are lost in the woods of the jungle
and desperate to reach a place
which do not exists
to live peacefully in life.

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