Mandy Lee Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Wounds That Scab, But Will Not Heal.

A broken heart once healed,
will never be the same.
Don't take things as they come,
but take it as a game.

Victory But A Veil Of Lies, Treachery And Deceit.

Victory but a veil,
of lies, treachery and deceit.
The web spun around your heart,
that makes it believe it's complete.

Strength Of Agony

The weeping willow cries,
the wailing sirens screech.
The gulls call up above,
the word of death beseeched

Childhood Memories

Rays of light flow through the glass,
Flittering memories of the past.
Of happy times and playful things,
like a baby bird spreading its wings.

Untitled. Wip

you were made in perfection and love
you were given great life from above
yet you make him cry
do you not know why

School Hierarchy

Like the harsh wind's howling
on a lonely summer night.
Wolves in sheeps' clothing prowling,
looking for innocent prey.

I Was And Still Am A Fool.

I once met an old man who used to sit by a pool.
He'd look up as I passed and would murmur: '..oh, you fool.'
I used to think he was mad, or maybe I was in denial then.
I thought he was wrong; that I could never escape g-d's master plan.

Black And White And The Grey In Between.

Black as ebony, dark as night.
When right seems wrong and wrong seems right.
Grey and tar and wisps of smoke,
on thoughts we muddle, on tears we choke.

On The Edge

Impressions Lie

Confidence, a shell,
the pigment you see.
Confidence, the lie,
all, but me.

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