Manonton Dalan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Am Watching

and when sun is writing on wall
will find my story where they fall
glitters that flash a good sign to
start dreaming of days we went thru

I Could Keep Going

i have been dreaming for a while my love
i keep on going to fix those niceties up
there are times i think i am losing some
but i pause i look around, you're around

I Will Come To See You

an old man with throw net on his shoulder
watching patiently any sign of fish; under
that calming sea hurrying to shore; sparkling
to wishes of eastern red sun rising; kissing

Persistent Bird

raven crowing atop a golf cart
looking all over our lunch bag
when she tried to pry one of them
i throw a cone just to scare 'em

Silent Killer

i have jelly feet hearing
what was you, you saying
i am more nervous than you
yet you said it so confident

Slence Of Dusking Day

when i see your face in a distance
everything is so soft, very smooth
even i can hear bursting power within
and slowly flow downstream; rippling

I Live Furhter Down

racing lights through narrow passage
so close together almost door to door
i'm in the middle sandwich by big rigs
i can feel the pressure from both sides

I'M Feeling Nature

my ball searching canopy of wintering trees
i heard crackles of branches and i pray
that somehow it will throw it back to open
it never did, thick fallen leaves keep

Hibachi In The West

sizzling butter atop a grill
tip tapping cookware, twirling
naked shrimp bubbling sauce
steaming vegetables, colorful

For You On Beautiful Day

wind whispering through leaves
rain soaking; crickets burrowing
dragon flies hiding; wet wings
tree trunks loose from ground

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