Marcel Aouizerate Poems

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In The Golden Canvas

Misfortune befell me in a volcanic setting,
Pestilence took hold of my limbs one by one,
And the fading maidens, and the barbarian girls
All telling me if you come, do it in the mouth of culture,

Eastern Statues

I have heard it was difficult to get there,

Direct flights fly from nowhere. People

A Protest

War protesters down the avenue
Say « some war » rather than
Absolutely none, as they intent
On walking on and they also

La Normale

Allant dans les lagunes mêler nos langues rosies,
Et nos mélopées par petites liesses de papiers,
J'ai épuisé mon vocabulaire par cette cour
A chanter avec elle nos pampelunes charnelles.

Profane Names In The Forest

People keep on having the same age

And they are replaced as they grow old.


Elle aura été la gauche, une litanie de « rêves pris sur le fait »
Conduite d'abord par la pensée la plus féconde
De l'esprit de finesse à celui de géométrie,
Puis vinrent ceux qui se résumèrent à leur mandat,


From chaos, from fortune
I feel that I miss you while we talk

In flooded tunnels with

On Vote

There's a side of our voting system which I find grossly overlooked, and the more people become dissatisfied with their representative bodies, the more overlooked it is.

Force used to rule, and then divine powers, laced with those atavistic sources of legitimacy, crystallized also the path of consent; fighting tyranny was the primary reason why a (not even so much) democratic voting rule was adopted in ancient Greece. Pretty much everyone admits that the democratic voting rule is meant to put excessive power in check.

Le Rendez-Vous

Si sa présence était la dernière concession
Avant d'affronter la réalité de l'échange
Qui n'arriverait jamais, en cela
Après avoir été croisée, elle se sentirait nue

From The Songbook Of Bookshop Dates

The book I read while
I was waiting for her
Told a story of impeached grace
But it does not matter after all

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