Marilyn Lott Poems

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Sad Poems

I read the sadness in your lines
They make me want to cry
I wish for peace for you, my friend
I wish you didn’t want to die

A Splash Of Spring

I don't think there is anything
That I look more forward to
Than a delicious splash of spring
Perhaps you feel that way too

A Country Trip

Have you ever taken a trip
That you just cannot forget?
No matter where you travel
This place was truly a hit

Don’t Lose Faith

Standing at the water’s edge
He was shaken to the core
For the one he loved had died
He didn’t want to live any more

New Year Goals

It's time to make a list once again
Of the goals we'd like to achieve
Our hopes and wishes of tomorrow
For we always must believe

This Life Of Mine

How I do enjoy so much
This wonderful life of mine
I travel down the red dirt roads
That make my life so fine

Snow Sculptures

It was white and fresh and new
As it blanketed the land
It looked like delicious sculptures
So refreshing and so grand

Wild Mary

Wild Mary was an exciting gal
For those who watched her show
She wasn’t just an oil well because
There were enormous gases below

Blood Of America

A senseless act of hatred can change
Everything in a horrifying minute
It is impossible to understand
And so many lives are destroyed with it

Just Like Yesterday

Do you ever take some time, my friend
To stop and remember the past?
Just like a familiar old movie reel
Memories that will forever last

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