Marilyn Lott Poems

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We all have a multitude of friendships
That we have made through the years
But only a handful of friends
Will share pure laughter and sad tears

Bless This Morning

Bless this morning for I can see
God created it just for me

He found the good and also bad

We Have To Believe...

We have to believe in something
In order to get through life
We have to believe in someone
A parent, a husband or wife

Isn’t Autumn Grand?

Last winter we had lots of snow
And our share of rainy days
Our world was cold and damp
But I knew it wouldn’t stay that way

Winter Style

We woke up to a world of snow
Everything came to a crawl
Layers of pristine blankets
It was quite unbelievable

Halloween Munchkins

They try so very hard you know
To capture what they sought
To be if they could be someone
That they obviously are not.

Waitin’ For Winter

I put the lawn mower away
I don’t need it anymore
There is a chill now in the air
And I know what is in store

The 50's

I remember the 50s like yesterday
Such a different time than it is today
With poodle skirts and those classic cars
Drive-in movies under the stars

A Red Rock Christmas

Don’t you find it’s such a thrill
Driving around on Christmas night?
The lights, the sounds, the feeling
That comes with the Christmas sights

The Seven Philosophies

Native American men
Have seven philosophies
That guides them through life
And through all eternity

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