Marilyn Lott Poems

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Golden Fall Maples

Across our hay field I watch
As leaves turn to gold
All through the huge Maple trees
So brilliant, cheerful and bold

Will Rogers Park

I’ll tell you about a wonderful park
I know because I went there one time
It has fountains and flowers so lovely
No prettier park could you ever find

Mikey The Mole #1

Mikey the Mole came calling
One sunny August day
He had no respect for my flowers
Got busy with no further delay

Heroes Every One

They come in every shape and size
From across our cherished land
They come in every age and color too
And they always take a stand

Wanda’s Tornado

I cannot begin to imagine
What it’s like to be in a tornado’s path
It has to shake the soul of man
To be part of nature’s wrath

Breakfast At Jim’s

I crossed the bridge on Route 66
Over the deeply frozen river
The air was cold and icy
It could make a polar bear shiver

Sunset Hours

It’s so beautiful in the evening
When the sun is dropping down
It’s time to stop and ponder
And take inventory, I’ve found

Starting With A Sunrise

There is nothing quite like a sunrise
To start a new day out right
The colors are so amazing
And are such a welcome sight

A Yukon Tradition

It is an exciting tradition in Yukon
Parades with horses and fun
You must stop by and visit
Even if you’re out on the run

Tornado Devastation

It came spiraling down from above
This twisting darkened thing
We looked to the sky in horror
What damage would this one bring?

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