Marilyn Lott Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Best Of The Best

I remember when I was in school
There were always students that stood out
They were the ones who knew the answers
They were extra smart, there wasn’t a doubt

Classy Las Vegas

It’s a city that is buzzing with class
Not a dull moment you will see
Night and day Las Vegas is like
A flower entertaining a bee


Halloween’s just around the corner
As children plan their scary
Costumes and parties
I remember as a child

English Fish And Chips

Have you ever been to England?
It’s such a wonderful place
The sights and smells are great
And the food has a delicious taste

Pink Cadillac In The Country

He was lookin’ kinda cool
Against his ‘pink Cadillac’
Looking on ahead of him
But still always looking back

Our Feet

Most of us don’t really analyze
What our feet have to go through
We just know that the things are there
Doing what we want them to do

Pass The Biscuits

Pass the biscuits, Charlie
I know someone baked ‘em up
We’ve been hangin’ round all morning
Waiting with our coffee cup

More Hydro Fun

Our Hydro fun went on
As the townsfolk continued to gather
The parade was led by a police car
We were not detained by the weather

Prairie People

They are good and honest folks
Their land has so much to give
They grow crops across the prairie
In the good life that they live

Ready To Celebrate

They’re getting ready for festivities
Everyone is so excited
Donned in ancient brilliant costumes
And you too, sir, are invited

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