Mark Heathcote Poems

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Misfortune's Usherettes!

Even when their happy,
It's with sour vinaigrette's
-Wailing and crying…
With packets of cigarette's

Honey You're So Hot

Honey, you're so hot
You're a ring of red gold
An amber ring on my finger
Honey, you're so hot

Nothing Good Ever Lasts...

To be able to remain just still and enjoy beauty without trying to edit it or change it; reveals the world's true beauty. I remember walking quietly once, one very hot spring morning by the railway through the wild orchards in Dogwoods, Knutsford. Resting there on a storm drain grid, I was just catching my breath when minutes later. I saw a baby rabbit poke its head out of a rabbit hole in the brambles it was 2ft in front of me. It was then he or she was pushed outside by their sisters or brothers.
They rolled around in front of me and were toy fighting till the 11.20 am Chester train went on by,
The only pity for me was the train was on time, and came by so fast… nothing good ever lasts.

Being Short On Truth We Wear A Mask

Being short on the truth we wear a mask
For every day we swim across a river
Another is placed in front of another
Much - wider & deeper than the other

We're All As The Wind On The Ether

Despite our trivial endeavours
Life isn't a broken key or a glass shard.
Turned to please; cut by millimetres
Nobody should overlook this gem.

Dappled Light

While two incense burners mingle
we'll pinch out the stars that twinkle
as the jasmine entwines these hours
let love, envelope all mean flowers.

The World Has Turned The Sun About

Since falling out of love, me and you
the world has turned the sun about
changed the axis of my heart, long overdue
it has made my soul leap and shout.


Is your love a defector?
Can it ever be faithful?
Find that one allegiance.

Unseen Grace

A crystal pointing skyward in heavenly darkness
may have no more regal splendour than you
or I, but even in this cavernous, empty heart 
It's difficult; it's profoundly difficult for me

Love Is An Anthill

Love is an anthill
A million internalizations
Each ant has a confused understanding of another
They believe they can lift 20 times their own body weight

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