Mark Heathcote Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Strong And Cruel

Strong and cruel
Keep me mean
I'm leaving school
It's time to fight for freedom

It's A Cardinal Sin Not To Fall In Love

It's a cardinal sin not to fall in love
To cower in fear is a sin
Oh never to begin, by way of
The warmth of a little cooing dove.

I'm Turned Inside Out

Like cold wet laundry,
With nowhere to hang out
Or go to stop, crying…

Love Is A Lake

Love is a lake
It can stagnate
If it doesn't move
Reflect back on you

Joy Is A Raft To Salvation

Rain clouds heavy wait
But today it won't rain.
The tail of the wind stings
And never will it refrain.

Like A Moth In A Bell-Jar

I feel I'm amidst a pollen lily wave
Heady with trembling allusions touching
Me in a darkened bed chamber reaching
Beneath satin bed sheets, it awakens me.

Two Over Lapping Uncivilized Sheets Of Ice

As moonlight curdles with the street light
eyelids bat like they wanted some of that.
She fills her lungs and drains his red blood cells
what a calling this is by the privets roadside.

A Fallen Petal Spoons

A fallen petal spoons
as a spider weaves his house
quiet as a mouse
a lilies throat gulps in her tongue-

There Was A Portly Rounded Innkeeper

There was a portly rounded innkeeper
Drank rum and boy was he a drinker
He poured and drank
The guy really stank

From Those Far Off Regions Of Japan

From those far off regions of japan
A man who cooked in a bedpan
Sold noodles by the oodles
To infantry and generals

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