Mark Ruiz

Mark Ruiz Poems

If only she knew,
How I feel inside.
Feelings inside uncomprehended,
Lost deep in the abyss that is me.

You're skin so soft, it shimmers,
In this sun, your eyes
Glow, vibrant, everlasting.
Your smile, wide, bright.

The sun is perfect and the wind is right,
Still the breeze brings your name,
For another summer, another day.
Memories flood, still, about that day.

I love you.
Silly isn't it?
How can you love someone you don't know anymore.
It is however true.

I was striken in the city morning,
Wondering what this cold old man had.
Who was he to torment me?
Responsible he is for the earth glistening,

The light burns harsh at this moment,
My eyes at war, my body sore.
Everything is spinning and the earth below me tilting.
Words move and disappear,

From its feet up it stood so strong.
Sturdy, thick, every leaf crisp and green.
Yet the tree stood alone on the top of a hill.
Nothing around it and the tree began to fade.

I breathe and I get every part of her.
Her hair enticing her small is mine.
Her naked skin on mine excites me.
Her touch is heaven.

You are, my love like the lovely red rose,
Your eyes, your heart, your soul so naturally
A dance in the game of life.
For I love you, I know your thorn.

She is, simply put, that which life requires,
Creative, humorous, and supportive.
Listens to when you talk, understands when you speak.
Rich in beauty, spirit, and heart.

Today I think of you,
and it brings me joy.
Today I think of you,
and I love you more.

Pains in mine head stumble my words
And yet the deadly silence soothes me.
Lay back and I fall deep,
Stand still and I fall slowly.

Suddenly I find myself freezing here.
Chilled, alone, somehow keeping myself warm.
Enigmatically it pours on me,
Unchangingly the rain pours all around.

A cool breeze runs past me riding downtown.
A mondaine sunlight shimmers, glistening.
Housings fly by me, a blur to my eyes.
Homely aroma, tranquilizing sights.


At night I wonder,
Is my love sleeping sweetly?
Is she missing me?
She sleeps so sweetly!

On that longing night we spent,
Our hearts did play one strange minuet.
A game of love and hate, a song of laughter and sorrow.
In my arms you spent so sweetly,

Blow out the candles love and hold me close,
Your kiss it keeps me locked up tight,
Taken quick, like the power of the tides.
Your eyes the pierce right through me;

Suddenly I freeze, pathetic, and frozen.
Still I feel it slither down my skin.
Leaving a cool open feel.
Over the phone, I heard the call.

Find me soon,
Before I go
Before I forget what flashed before my eyes,
Tell me of the flashing lights,


Feel her on your fingertips,
As she lingers, cold and dry.
Taste her in your mouth,
As she dances, dances the dance of death.

Mark Ruiz Biography

Mark Ruiz was born in San Jose on October 12,1988. After birth, Ruiz was raised his whole life in the small, yet growing town of Gilroy, Calfiornia. As a child, Ruiz spent most of his time playing in the local park with his brother where they would let their imaginations run wild. It was there in this park that Ruiz began story writing about frogs and birds he had found. He also began to enjoy time out in nature and enjoyed the night time. In school, Ruiz made the switch from Glen View Elementary to Rucker Elementary School. It was at his new school where many of his teachers began to encourage his creativity and skill with words. In his elementary years he would write and illustrate his own little books. Sadly however, one of his teachers discouraged him from writing because he would finish writing assignments too fast in her eyes. It was not until the end of his Middle School Experience that he found his inspiration to write once more. Ruiz puts much thanks to his good friend Isabelle Szucs who encouraged and helped Ruiz become more open with his ideas and ways of expressing himself. She helped him also rekindle his flame for music as well as literature. In his High School career, Ruiz found much comfort in wrting and analyzing poetry even against taunting from other students. Ruiz continued throughout the rest of his high school year writing. It was in his final year that his love for writing poetry hit a peak. In his Women/Chicano Studies class, Ruiz would write poetry about what he felt, but it was the different topics that his teacher, Mrs. Margaret Ota, would give that would allow him to write about subjects he had never really embraced. Much of his poetry now is inspire by the things all around him, including friends, whom appear much in his writing. Their inspirations make some of Ruiz's poems more alive. Currently, Mark Ruiz is finishing his High School Requirements and writing more at Gilroy High School. he plans to attend a local community college and continue his work there, where he is then planning to transfer to a university where he will study in Engineering and Language.)

The Best Poem Of Mark Ruiz

If Only She Knew

If only she knew,
How I feel inside.
Feelings inside uncomprehended,
Lost deep in the abyss that is me.
Your smiling face truly is a wonder,
But your smiling is it true?
My smile is there for you,
Is yours?
Never riled, just loving,
My dear friend she is,
I wish I could help her cope,
But what can I do alone?
I wish I could promise serenity,
I wish I was peace of mind,
I wish I gave her every emotion,
That deal with the happy kind.
I wish I could heal her wounds,
I want to explain the world.
Give her her eyes,
And make the world coherent.
As life rolls along,
And I see here time to time,
I only wish she knew,
That I loved her dearly,
Enough to worry.

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