Maryanne Richards

Maryanne Richards Poems

Walking along the river bank
In the breeze, listening
to the wind in the trees,
Singing there song through

Watching the dark gray skies and waving palms,
The flowers drooping their heads
And sheltering under the heavy laden leaves.
All the while the pond filling


The sand the seagulls
And the rolling waves
As they crash upon the shore
Quiets the mind.

He was old and bent
And way past his prime
But those who knew him
Thought he was fine.

Why does this way of life
Create so much struggle and pain.
When did this darkness begin,
That I am caught within.

Desire leads the mind
In all its cunning ways.
All around the known it goes,
We see this while in a trance,

I see in you the beauty of a jewel
It opens up my heart to see the sun.
I ask, why does this not last?
For I have felt the hand that defends you.

When one has love
One needs nothing else
Not even one to love.

Why do we hurt so,
What is the reason.
All the good works
Seem to be done with intention.


The years have gone so quickly,
It seems like yesterday
That the light that shone so brightly
Was taken away.


Life is for living.
What does that mean?
Does it mean we should chase
Every fanciful dream.

Children need nurture and care
And love of course always there.
They need freedom to grow,
Not, do as I say for I know.

Memories, they come and go
Here and there to and fro
Some take us back to the good times
And happy we are to go.

As you pass this way say a quiet hello
Even shake a leaf or two.
We send you our love with the wafting perfume
As we open our face to the sun.

What is it that makes me, me
That seems so different from you
I am a body a brain and genetic past
I am ideas and ideals and conditioning that goes deep.

For a long time
I've been looking for me
With the past as my guide
And fear my companion


Death is in the birds that fly
And in the morning sunrise
Together life and death abide.

Where is the joy
That catches the heart
And comes in a moment
Unbidden, from nowhere,


A light withdrawn
To a realm of peace and love
Unthinking the words came while gazing
Over the place he loved to play.

The matter of the fact
Is the fact of the matter
About which, thinking only distorts.
If once seen as the fact

The Best Poem Of Maryanne Richards


Walking along the river bank
In the breeze, listening
to the wind in the trees,
Singing there song through
The rustling in the leaves,
Losing oneself and feeling at peace.

The sounds start coming
From the birds, the bees
The cicadas and the distant barking dogs.

To feel the sun shinning,
See a myriad insects at work
And feel the earth underfoot.

Just watching, feeling and above all
Listening with attention, not focused,
With all thought silenced in that moment.

Try it. See what happens.

Maryanne Richards Comments

MURUGAN 02 September 2022

SRTUGGLE AND PAIN POEM IS SIMPLY SUPERB. The end is really thoughprovoking. Yes, There is no I, why shoud feel the stuggle and pain

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Richard Beevor 26 May 2014

Who Am I.....just brilliant, no need to say more, loved it.

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Richard Beevor 26 May 2014

why do we hurt, nice work Maryanne, lovely touch at the end, the brain of mankind, I love words that flow and sometimes dance, yours do both, keep up the good work.

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