Mehreen Mujeeb Poems

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Year 2999

That meteor is going to crash;
Crash into the layers of life
The layers of life would burn it into pieces.
But look,

One Man Army

Her armour is strong,
But you don’t see the strength within.
She fights her battles like lightening
But off the battlefield

The Gardener

The seeds you plant in your heart
Grow into flowers and thorns
Plant your seeds with good intentions
So your intention is born

Line Between Manufacture And Expiration

As my pen’s ink dries
And I hear my heart’s goodbyes
I feel my life mortified
My heart takes my last few sighs

Reach For The Stars

The brightest star in the sky
Is out shone by the dullest light in the street
Our eyes have stopped looking above
And fantasize about what is below.

Deaf Gunpowder

Come on soldier.
Get off of your battlefield
Let me take you to a place

Find Her If You Can

Look both ways before crossing her street
Because she cannot be seen if you seek her with your feet

She cannot be seen

Innocent Mirror

Look into your mirror
And tell me what you see
Is it really you?
Or someone you cannot be

Yesterday Is Gone

The ghost of the past,
Is but a distant memory
A haunting thought;
That erases,

Decayed Curls Of Air

People cough as they walk by the street
Because of the smoke that fills this heat
These decayed curls of air
Fill the air we breathe

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