Melvina Germain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Treat Me Like A Fool No More

I thought you were the answer to my dreams,
but you kept conjuring up ridiculous schemes.
You erased my love as if it was charcoal dust,
leaving me at dawn after a night of pure lust.

Evil Will Sleep

Now we come across turbid wave where man became human animals worshipping hell bound darkness of self made graves.

Bombastic voices echo o’re all the world flinging threats, sling shots
no decent personsave deserves. We pray, O we pray for men, women, boys and girls, them from the monstrous demons the enemy serves.

I Need Happy

I shared this on my facebook page and was not surprised to see so many messages coming in, both on my facebook wall and in the message box. Truly it is fact, most people want to be happy and not lay under the blanket of darkness.

(I need happy, I'm tired of dark, dismal and death...Give me happy)

And Now The Stars Are Gone


Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening...Smile lots and be happy all through the day...

I woke up this morning sat at the edge of my bed at about 6: am felling refreshed and smiling. Words began of course like little children hopping and skipping along a beautiful path tossing out thoughts and like the ball catcher, I reached up and grabbed them quickly in the air. Well here they are this morning.

A Dark Shield Covers Us

We lost a plethora of yesterdays and grey clouds bring forth the morrow, the only future I see is a time of great sorrow.

Why must tainted minds, empty hearts and souls steal away the happiness we once held, and try to rob the kindness replacing it with the fear of hell.

Welcome Our Refugees

Cosmic Blessing

Ascend thy peace and swell of calm,
thou seest azure blue, a celestial hue.
With pale silver streaks surreal,
Suspended I rest in a celestial field.

Stepping Out Within

My throat, be it dry to swallow I cringe
untouched, thy thirst in lonesome fear.
Wilt thou bring forth a gluttons binge,
and reign like a Queen in golden-wear.

Sorrowful Life Haiku

Woes of womanhood
stunt the growth of children
beasts must pay the price

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