Melvina Germain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
(569) Whipping Cancer The Old Fashioned Way

We all have Cancer cells, of that I’m sure you know,
but there is a way to keep them from growing fast or slow.

Cancer is an enemy we don’t want to see,

(731) Christmas Eve

Tis Christmas Eve with all the splendor of
Christmas lights gleaming through crystal
Glasses placed strategically among clusters
Of soft white cotton snow.

(550) My Death-My New Life Begins

Lying still in a hospital room, surrounded by family, tears flowing,
faces saddened. At the end of my bed stood a tall, slender lady
with beautiful features. Her skin, the look of velvet, with royal
eyes, rosy cheeks and lips. Angelic, the most beautiful woman, I

(230) Prayer For Our Children-Sept.16,2007

Father God in heaven I raise my arms to you in prayer and ask Lord
that you keep the children of poem hunters, my children and others
around the world under your glorious umbrella Lord. I ask that you cover
them like a glove with the Holy spirit and keep their hearts full of love.

(220) A Film To Sea

Far away in the distance,
a shadow cast upon the sea.
Upon arriving closer,
that shadow bled a travesty.

(894) Melvina 's Philosophy

A wise person listens well,
dots their I’s crosses their T’s when they spell.

A hundred apologies will not erase a bad word

(580) Nestled Upon The Shore (Fantasy Poem)

Oh beauty, beauty, what do you seek?
Adrift you come to take a peak.
Tis June the month you do embark,
I long to see your body stark.

(733) Bubbleistic Future

Cast away living in a bubble,
Ir orbit around an endangered earth.
Lost among the skyhawks of futuristic power..
I’m sworn to take an oath.

(270) As One

Sitting in the shimmering,
noon sun.

(906) Oceanic Mysticism

Mystified by the dangerous, yet soothing
musical tones of the ocean. I find myself
mesmerized by its precarious nature,
the peaceful essence, sharing it’s glory.

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