Hit Title Date Added
The True Contract Between Man And Woman

The pretty man and the pretty woman Are only one and only in one link When they unite their pretty hearts, When they make everything theirs, When they have common feelings and emotions, When they beautify their mutual thoughts, When they love each other in truth, When they share all common sensations, When they


In The Moon's Pretty Attendance

The moon is pretty and So its rising and its setting, It is the pretty neighbor Which we stare at and look up Without being replenished or Get out of our thirst to it, It's pretty when we see it and It's pretty when we miss it in The dark or when it's

ركوة قهوة

The Pretty Pandoras Or The Pretty Tomatoes

They call it a Pandora or a tomato Anywhere or everywhere, I call it the same pretty words Because it's everywhere. Everyone loves Pandoras or tomatoes Any kind or any size. It's pretty and healthy In any food or as a sauce. Our mothers long time ago

The Deaf Dialogue (حوار الطرشان)

If you can not listen to people, then You are greatly deaf, If you are not able to listen to people, then You are greatly deaf, If you do not want to listen to other people, then You are greatly deaf, If you insist on not pay attention to people's talk, then You are greatly deaf, If you persist on not


Virtually we are not in the Renaissance Age, Boldly we are not in the Victorian Age,

حارة كل من يده له (No Man's Land)

The whole world is ours, It's everyone's share, We share the air, we share The water, and we share The soil depending on where We stay and where we live. To some people, this is not Applied to them by anyway. Some people expand and

لو كان كل العام مظلما بظلام دامس حالك لأحتاج الى شمعة واحدة جميلة تضيئه و تجعل كل الدروب اليه نيرة فالشمعة الجميلة فكرة جميلة و رائعة و لاتكلف شيئا و انما هي

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