Hit Title Date Added
This On-Going War Is Theirs, Not Ours At All.

We are all separated from
Each other globally
As an ugly war reaps
Its outcomes on all levels,

The Absurdity Of All Wars- سخافة كل الحروب

جميع الحروب-
بلا اية استثناءات-
تجلب الخراب و الفوضى و حتى
تدمير تام

حيث ان تلك الحرب القذرة تحرق
الاخضر و
حتى اليابس
قد اتى منها الكثير من الازمات

Life has a lot of choices
And options, but
Optional choices are not compulsory
Simply because we are

We Are, But One Soul

A soul to a soul,
A heart to a heart, and
A hand-in-hand,
There is only one love and


It's the day in which we're in And the moment in which either To be or not to be because if it Passes, then it will not be called Today, but it's better called the missing day, The more we benefit from our days The more we're better and happier,


Everyone likes fame that means To be a famous one, but Each fame has its price, Fame means to be well-known To many people worldwide, so All lights are thrown on the

A Dead Conscience Of A Dead Man

He is alive in body, but His soul is dead because he Sold himself to his Satan, so He is dead and his conscience is dead.

I Am So Sorry

I am greatly so sorry Because I can not do anything For anyone or anything, I am greatly so sorry Because I can not help myself Or anyone else anytime, I am weak and may be I am the Weakest creature on earth,

I Had A Dream

When I was a little kid I had a pretty dream to Make the poor rich and To pave the way for them To fly on a wind carpet Or on a passing cloud to The kingdom of the possible, I am still having this

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