Hit Title Date Added
An Up-Side-Down Image Of The World

The world has no clear image now, It has an image which is not an image, It has a chaotic image and a different image, It has no specific image, but a horrible image, Its image is shapeless and without a clear content, It is an up-side image and a fearful one, Its days are not days and its nights are not nights, Its north and south poles are not the same, Its pretty

She Said About The Pretty Sea

'I went after four years To the pretty sea To swim amid its pretty waves: ' she said, She said; I like to stay inside it Anywhere and everywhere. She said: I don't want to be bothered By anyone when I am there by myself.

Crossroads Of The World

We're all in one spot And we're all on the edge of falling From top into the bottom of our world Because we're all at crossroads of our world.

The Death Game Of An Absurd Man

What Is Behind Red Lines?

We hear about red lines Anywhere and everywhere, but What is that lies behind these So-called red lines? Red lines are merely a bad trick Played by the masters of the world To justify things anytime and anywhere, so They're merely a cheap game, but What do you want do with life?

A Dreamer (Me Or She)

I am not a dreamer, but She is a dreamer A different dreamer, My world is different From her world, I went so far to fulfill Her dream which we shared together, But I discovered that the dream she


I look for her and She looks for me, I look for it and It looks for me, I walk in the desert Looking for her and Looking for it, It's all mirage because I feel thirsty looking For her and for it,

Unfounded Lies

It is when you say something And you do something else, It is when you lie to people And people believe you, It is when you believe your Lies and people believe you,

Flash Floods

Out-And-Out Situation

Life Is So Hard and Absurd, but There Is An escape Out Of This Situation

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