Hit Title Date Added
Halves Are Always Rejeced Totally

All half-ways can not be trodden
At all when we are crossing towards
Those pretty lands of hopes,
All half-solutions are not accepted

Halves Are Always Rejected Totally.

All half-ways can not be trodden
At all when we are crossing towards
Those pretty lands of hopes,
All half-solutions are not accepted

Red Flags

More global wars are ahead
Without any hesitations at all,
More warmongers are ready
To ignite ugly situations

A lot of things are greatly
Lacked on all life's levels,
Everyone suffers from
What's going on,

Different Kinds Of Occupations Around Us.

It is not just
An enemy occupies
Another enemy's land or
Other possessions, but

Life, Wars, And Peace

Life remains sweet and pretty
Until a certain war breaks out suddenly
Hindering any possibility of any pretty peace,
In life itself


تبقى الحياة حلوة و جميلة
حتى تنشب حرب معينة فجأة
معيقة اية امكانية لأي
سلام جميل

The Broken Hearts Of Good Women Can Not Be Fixed Easily.

Our whole hearts
Are not made of stones,
All human beings have hearts
That are either good or bad,

Much Ado About Nothing Anytime, Anywhere, And Everywhere

Not everything
They say is true and
Not everything
They say is untrue, but

I am sorry to say that
Our current world is deaf, dumb, and
Even blind when it comes
To help or

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