Naveed Akram Poems

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The tattered man had a tone of repetition,
With his speech the direct conversation flowed.
He regarded the awakening as a joining of hands,
The ground received a rude call from his hands.

Lost Trees

The cutting of trees is distinct for we play,
Escape routes exist to last for generations.
A growth arises in the muddy waters,
Slaves seem to decay as the land alters.


In the meditation room, a top man sways,
His thoughts relayed throughout the galaxy;
Delighted in some swaying piracy,
Innocently the sentence unwinds to see rivers.

Embrace Tranquillity

Embracing the heavenly seasons defends sunlight,
A slight rain comes, defending and offending the outcome;
Frail vines never rest on this trail atop the cliffs,
And we are lost in thoughts with traces of rain.

Liberty From Morning

I spent the morning loving freedom,
Rock and cave seemed mightier than school;
I sat here on open rock: a lone day,
Like the lone nights awake,

My Door Is A Lamp

One day You ask: What are you up to?
- I work for lattices
And concoct doors for lamps.
The door to heaven will be split,

Limbs Blessed

Love came and my name remained
To be filled with awe afterwards;
It was light and enragement from the wind
And the weather became sweet afterwards.

Cast Away Souls

If you do not cast away souls
My living and dying shall cease;
I shall come with love and bear corn,
Like the fields of heavenly gardens.

Piety Is Hard

A pious man brings a gift for the lame one,
It is a rosary with thousands of beads;
His tortures do never seize him,
For he prays so acceptably in the eyes of His Lord.

A Championship For Him

If you can wait, weep and explode,
Trust yourself afterwards with the law
And its letter, forcing the enemy to surrender.
You are losing yours, you blame it on him,

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