nayeli contreras Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Cry Blood

a tear
a single tear hides
a million lies a million why's?
a million loved and then it diez

Old Lady Meg

There once was an old lady named meg,
who fell and twisted her leg,
she fell on the road,
a car just passed mode,


This emotion is worse than blind fury,
It comes and hits you in a hurry,
It betray's and stabs you in the back,
It's a painful sometimes lethal attack,

Wicked Gready And Grim

I tell the story of a man
awfully sickening, gready, grim
steal and murder were his desires
trying to kill many before he expired

Every Step

Your gone but the scares remain
Your loss has turned me insane
I've lost you but your still alive
I've lost you and i can't survive

And Then U Leave.

I met you,
I smiled,
Feel in love so deep
Life changed

What Could It Be

What could this thing mean now?
this thing called life
so real and nonexistent
could it be that i could have had this all along

Your Fine Your Okay

today another scary day
cannot laugh cannot say
im fine truly fine
people ask 'are you okay? '

What It Says About You Xd

Your eyes say i like the sight of you,
your touch says i miss you
your smile says you make me happy
your hugs say i will protect you

My Sun

All thats left is a memory of a tear streaked face,
Is it possible that some pains hurt so much emotion cant escape?
Because if i couldn't handle this pain it wouldn't have been put in my life right?
why is it that this thing that runs through my veins numbs me?

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