Nerissa Morton

Nerissa Morton Poems

A loss of a friend hurts
The loss of a best friend hurts more,
But it is never a true loss;
Everyday you will see something that reminds you of them

No matter how much you try,
How much you cry
Even those close to you never seem to get it;
Never seem to understand that;

Everything's breaking
Everything's going
And if it isn't,
it is already gone

I feel nothing
Every part of me is missing
And I don't know why

When life gets you down;
When they make you feel alone;
When you feel unloved, scared and forgotten;
Remember, I am always here

Poor little Jimmy
Ran away one day, but was
Not missed by any soul

Fitting in is a hard thing to do
Whether it's finding your place in the world,
Or fitting into those pants which have been in your closet for years

I try to move my stiff torso
I feel so trapped
As the wind blows;
My hundred of arms sway

Two years ago I kidnapped his heart
Tore it in two
And tried not to look back
That was until I glued it back together;

Night after night they argue
Yelling to and frow
'How could you keep talking to her? '
'We are just friends! '

This key is not of metal;
This key is not of wood;
This key is not a petal,
This key is simply words understood

3 little words
Just arn't enough
3 little words
No, much more tough

What is love?
Is love wanting to manipulate someone?
Not to me
Love is wanting to make someone eternally happy

If I could start over,
re-live and change,
edit how we played out,
I don't know if I would.

'Three little words, '
What comes to your mind?
I love you?
Not for me

You built me up;
Broke me down
You taught me of love
A love so profound

I have a soul
Yet I am soul-less
I have a heart
Yet I am heartless

Every poem
Every rant
Every cry and every scream
Every cut

There's no such thing as a 'final copy';
A 'good copy'
For there's always room for improvement
Just like in people

At night my mind is invaded;
attacked; ambushed and tortured
'You're fat! '
'You're ugly! '

Nerissa Morton Biography

Dear reader(s) , My name is Nerissa Morton. I am a 20 years old from New Zealand. I wrote these poems years ago as a way to let out my emotions. It's a non-direct manner that lets me be as open as I please. I hope you can relate to some of my poems and I apologise in advance for if they sound ranty, but I guess that's just how I felt at the time of writing them. Happy reading! Nerissa Morton)

The Best Poem Of Nerissa Morton

Loss Of A Friend

A loss of a friend hurts
The loss of a best friend hurts more,
But it is never a true loss;
Everyday you will see something that reminds you of them
This will bring a memory;
A memory of the times you speant together
Followed by another;
A memory of how you went your seperate ways
They will always be in your mind;
They never really leave you.

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