Thanh-Thanh NhuanLe Poems

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The Days Dad Got Imprisoned

How harrowing were the days dad got imprisoned:
Mom could hardly sleep, got her eyes wet, rings wizened.
Gnawing the tiny rootstock Mom spared for me: how sad!
I was so hungry, dad!

To Yosemite Thinking Back To Vietnam

To visit picturesque Yosemite, here I came
Just by becoming an exile being affected;
I looked at this scenery of universal fame


I have heard palaver, over historic issues ranged,
Such as, “If Cleopatra’s nose had been shorter,
The whole face of the world would have changed! ”
But who asked “How? ” would be a blabber aborter!


Since then I have undergone a thinking’s renovation
That both female and male take the same orientation.
To appreciate your feelings, emotional and carnal blend,
I ’ve got to meet your needs to be worth your boy-friend.

The Flames Flared My Pain

Smokes and flames, blood and tears
on the television screen spread dyeing.
On September the 11th in California
I tuned in, watched and burst out crying.

Thank You, Mother!

(To American adoptive mothers who
heartily fostered children of Vietnamese origin)

Thank you, my white-skinned golden-haired mother

Inside The Cathedral

The two blocks of seats in the cathedral wide
Divided the believers, separated the lovers too.
Since childhood, the prayers not yet known through,
We had to kneel down on each of the Image's side:

To Mississippi

You have flowed down here from the North;
Like you, I have drifted over here from the East.
We’ve been similar in our leeway thenceforth;
My life is melancholy, is yours too, at least?

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, there was one in violet clad
To continue inspiring my poetic dreams so sad.

Until times later on, Cupid would never deign!

Evening Melody

Quite a chance that day the journey was granting
On our long way, the afternoon sun slanting.
Over the wind your singing voice took dominion
To lull human life’s vicissitudes to oblivion.

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