Nick Jordan. Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Impossible is a word with no meaning,
Purely a limitation of thought,
It defines things that haven't been done yet,
Or describes things that haven't been taught,


Stop whining about how life's unfair
and how you're hard done by,
Consider those less fortunate
And think to wonder why,

My Son's Hero

When I asked my son who his hero was,
I thought that there'd be a long pause,
I expected him to say someone like Messi,
On the strength that he always scores!

Twitter Meeting

When I awoke this morning,
I heard some birds tweeting,
I looked out of my window
As they gathered in my garden

Half Empty, Half Full?

Is your glass half empty?
Or is your glass half full?
Do you look at life intently?
Or find it very dull?

If God Exist's

If god exists,
I'll eat my hat 
And underpants as well!
Too many misunderstandings

The Storm

Like some satanical impetuous curse,
The darkened thunderous clouds disperse,  
The heavens open,
Rain cascades,

The Bully

Did I bully you at school?
I've a feeling that I did,
I'm ashamed to say I was a fool,
An Insecure young kid,

Saucepan Lids

I look into my Childrens eyes and think,
I gave you to this world.
since the very first breath you took,
in high esteem you've always been held,

Never Give Up

Never give up on someone who has faith in you,
Because that someone sees something 
You're not able to,
Sometimes life can be full of surprises

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