nicky joyce Poems

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To Be Life In All

To be broken and fixed and to be healed inside takes a lot of special time
To be hurt and destroyed to give it your all takes no time to express at all
To forgive and forget that very awful mess takes some directing to kick it to rest
To leave and go means letting go then that’s the way it will have to roll

My Unique Friend Thats How We Roll :)

My friend is unique
My friend is one of a kind
My friend is perfect
My friend is someone hard to find

My Old Christmas Poem

Christmas is a time for giving
chritsmas is a time for sharing
christmas is a time for rembering
christmas is a time for caring.


Today i took a deap breath
Filled my lungs with air
Today i looked around
But no one was there

To Say

To say you love someone
Can seem so hard
To say you care
Comes just fine

A Lost Good Friend

I sit here with a shocked face
Cant explain what just took place
I get told that a friend has died
What do i say i just want to cry

What If! ! ! ! ! ! !

What if I broke you like you broke me?
What if I fixed you but you didn’t me
What if I hurt you like you did me?
What if I tried but you didn’t see

Judging Someone

Something shining so deep and bright
What was this standing in my sight?
Was this the person I once saw?
That’s impossible surely it’s a door

Humming Bee

Standing and staring rubbing my eyes
Smiling and laughing in plain sight
Open wide for all to see
Why was it, it had to be taken from me

To Be Left Untold

I’m sitting here thinking wondering what to say
I want to tell you how much I feel each and everyday
I want you to know it all that’s left UN said
But if I do then it’s more likely you will run and hide instead

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