Nida Nawaz

Nida Nawaz Poems

Every word is blood soaked;
Yes every word,
That appears on the black pages of our
disgraced History Book.

I never asked the dark black clouds
For any guidance enroute
I never sought to tame
And befriend rabid dogs ever

When they visit us at night,
Never do they knock at our doors,
They just break them open to enter.
Dragging our fathers by their Beards,

I ask
The crimson dusk
If blood is the color
That has come to be recognized


Should you visit this city of ours?
Then please......
Gouge your eyes
And trample them underneath your feet

We will have to break
The deathly silence
That pervades these poor, numbed beings
Herded into deceptive pastures


With the chisel of my pains and sorrows
I craft the image of my life
I go on building it thus
Until one day


Wearing a thick black mask
It walks in
At nightfall
Holding a dagger

(Addressed to the terrorist)

You challenge the fury
Of your own dark horror

I can see it well up
In the eyes of my own 'protector'
A gruesome look
More unnerving than the reminiscence

(Addressed to the terrorist)

How sheepishly exposed before me
Lies the struggling voice

A flock of birds
Flying in my vast blue skies
Ah! have fallen prey
To imperialistic intent



A menacing kite has squeezed
All liveliness of this city

(Seven months long curfew in Kashmir)

We're all but
Turned into stone

(Seven months long curfew in Kashmir)

We're all but
Turned into stone

Listen! A handsome visage of this existence
Is surely to gulp down the entire venom on this earth
And grow to be a *NEEL KANTHA.


A shadow,
A sudden cry in the dead silence of the night,
Consciousness of some mishap somewhere,
The flickering lamp inside this temple that my heart is,

Let me be a pallbearer to his body too,
For I prized him more than my own life.
The irregular rhythm of his heartbeats
Was clearly audible in his smiles.


Weep not my darling child,
I too am doing the so called evil deeds
that your father did.
I too shall endure

You should move away with
The one whom you love.
Yes move away,
Before this sun rises

Nida Nawaz Biography

Nida Nawaz, having masters degrees in Psychology, Hindi and Urdu with B.Ed and diploma in Journalism and Computer Applications.Working as a Radio Journalist for last 22 Years in Radio Kashmir as a freelance, Writing the Editorial of Radio Kashmir 'Aaj Ki Baat'. Also translating different Programs from Hindi and English into Urdu and Kashmiri. A well known Hindi Writer and a recipient of a National Award of Hindi for non Hindi states, Sahitya Prabhakar of Hindi Sahitya Samilan/Mathli Sharan Gupt Samman/. Nowadays compiling three Books, one poetry, another Short Stories and The Dairy, highlighting the Past two decades of turmoil and uncertainty. Loves reading and writing. Poetry, Science and philosophy are his favorite subjects.He likes to shares his ideas with Friends having Liberal and Progressive attitude. Hate conservative approach.)

The Best Poem Of Nida Nawaz

Every Word Is Blood Soaked

Every word is blood soaked;
Yes every word,
That appears on the black pages of our
disgraced History Book.

(Translation from Hindi By Autar Mota)

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