Nikhil Parekh Poems

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You Just Perpetually Continue

Victory or Defeat are merely and only two sides of the coin; you just perpetually continue to fearlessly march forward; on the path of eternally spell-binding righteousness,

Victory or Defeat are inconspicuous and only two sides of the coin; you just perpetually continue in your mission to metamorphose every bit of arid stagnation
on this planet; into a valley of enchantingly fructifying green,

With Every Beat Of My Heart

Not even the most voluptuously sensuous of clouds; surreally wandering till eternity in fathomless cosmotic space; had the slightest of inspiration,

Not even the most tantalizingly nubile of dewdrops; profoundly shimmering in nocturnal moonlight like the ultimate queen's garland of exotic pearls; had the
slightest of inspiration,

Limitlessly Magical Spice

In every sensuously enamoring woman that I philandered with; timelessly flirting and cavorting behind the freshly rain soaked hills of paradise,

In every beautifully intrepid lane that I traversed through; leading every uncontrollably exultating pore of my body; into an unceasing gorge of interminably
burgeoning adventure,

Tomorrow- The Most Perpetually True Champion

"Yesterday"; was bizarrely pessimistic; morosely lingering into the treacherously inexplicable past; for no ostensible rhyme or reason,

"Today"; is stringently pragmatic; reminding you of your definitive set of responsibilities; towards your kin and every harmoniously spell-binding echelon of


Sleep. Just the very mentions of it; instantaneously triggered the innermost dormitories of your brain to think of nothing else but; disdainfully decrepit and
treacherously sluggish; laziness.

Sleep. Just the very mentions of it; instantaneously triggered the innermost caverns of your brain to think of nothing else but; impotently tormented and ignominiously lecherous; dormancy.

Death - A Countless Times Better

It was a countless times better to die this very minute; than to suffer an infinite deaths of tawdrily inconsolable isolation; an infinite times every unfurling instant of resplendently destined life,

It was a countless times better to die this very minute; than to suffer an infinite deaths of murderously ungainly abuse; an infinite times every unfurling instant of beautifully destined life,

Life Gives Birth To Happiness

Clouds give birth to tantalizing droplets of rain; pacifying the murderous agony
of scorching desert sands,

Rose gives birth to stupendously ravishing fragrance; casting a spell of unconquerable happiness in those lives; deluged with horrendous despair,

Fifty Fifty

50% Vivacious; 50 % Vexed,
50 % Fresh; 50 % Feverish,
50 % Friendly; 50 % Fiend,
50 % Resplendent; 50 % Raunchy,

No Gaps

The gap between the brilliantly extreme " North Pole" and supremely celestial "South Pole: " was infinite; yet you weren't perturbed even an infinitesimally ethereal iota,

The gap between blistering Sunlit " East" and desolately whimpering " West "
was infinite; yet you weren't disoriented even a clammily squelched iota,


Success is not just; placing the roof of Everest directly into your palms,
Infact it lies in conquering the same; with untamed exhilaration in your bones; with a spirit of profuse thrill lingering all over your twinkling countenance.

Success is not just; blessing you with an ocean of gold; as you woke up from the

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