Pamela O. Rucker Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Importance Of Family

Time passes so quickly there's no time to waste
Spend time with your family, don't hesitate
For you never know if tomorrow will come
Show your love to all, and not just to some

I Know You Really Care

Lord I hope you're not finished with me
I'm still trying I pray that you can see
Life on this earth sometimes I can't bare
I feel all alone like no one really cares

Tiny Little Birds

A red bird was perched upon a tree
As beautiful and free as a bird could be
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly?
To be able to soar as high as the big blue sky

Precious Son Of Mine

Do you know how important you are in my eyes?
You give me the strength each morning to rise
I didn't know you could love a child so much
Till I gave birth to you and felt your gentle touch

Precious Mother

My mom is full of love and grace
I love the smile upon her face
Even on those cloudy days
She has a heart that's full of praise

Together Forever Again

That exciting moment was finally here, we didn't have to wait any more
It's a girl I heard the doctor say, the joy in my heart cannot be described
We held each other close as we cried with joy till we realized it was quiet
As we turned to look at the doctors they were looking at us in a sad way

My Shame

Do you hear it?
A sound I'll never forget
The sound of dog tags blowing in the chilling wind
And I wonder when I'll see you again

Don'T Shut Me Out

You're a part of my life so please don't shut me out
My love for you is strong, there should never be any doubt
You said you don't need your family, you want us to leave you alone
But how would you feel tomorrow if you were awakened and we were gone

A Hand To Hold

When you're feeling lonely and cold
And you need a loving hand to hold
Then look to Jesus for he's a friend
Who will be by your side until the end

God's Expectations


You walked through the streets

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