Patti Masterman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Faithful's Heaven

The faithful’s heaven urges
Their eyes to skies, up-turning,
And quiet streets of oblivion
Swell rising-tide rebellion.

Amusement Park

In falling worlds I shudder,
Twitch and grimace
Shoved first this way, and that
By fate, by momentum

A Galaxy Of One

Could be that the true soul
Is stretched tautly thin
Throughout the hidden world-
Thinner than a quark crepe,

Green Turtle

The rocket went off like a bat out of
Pell-mell, it ricocheted, son of a
Ditched the boosters to head for the blue
Another fudruckers going straight to heaven

A Nony Mouse

A Nony Mouse I be
My tail is most of me
I run about the house, I creep
I only come out when others sleep

Don'T Be Jealous

Don't be jealous what others have written
In their own frame and time of season
They are there in the place they've awoken
To write down words gleaned from their reason

Be Dauntless

Be dauntless, though the world has knives-
And you have but a single life.

Be brave, though some are braver still-

White Feathers Falling

White feathers falling,
When an angel flew close by;
There's nothing up above us,
But I saw him, on the sly.

Poetry Hopscotch

One legged hop; and login, login
Turn around and stop; then login, login
Hop on other leg; to the login, login
Leg cross jumps now, login three times

Dogma In My Hymn

Dogma in my hymn: I am God
Dog, as a devil deified; deified, lived as a dog
Dog sex, even if fine, vexes God.
Dog's a fool: aloof as God.

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