Paul (ChryWizard) Posney

Paul (ChryWizard) Posney Poems

As you lay sleeping peacefully in bed
While you are dreaming; sweet dreams in you head.
I watch you in slumber with eyes filled with love
It’s a love that’s so rare so few even know of.

Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the hood
The dealers were selling
All the drugs that they could.

I am a Marine, I stand tall and proud
This I say, to the world out loud!
I serve my country, where she needs me
The faith of the corps, is its fidelity

Poetic Paul puts pen to paper
printing phonically placed phrases
properly patterned on pages
posting pleasing poems pleasantly

Sadly, today was my birthday, but no one could tell
I received no, Happy Birthday’s, phone calls, or, no cards in the mail.
I felt like a; nobody, it seems… I have no one who care’s
No one to remember, turning fifty alone, can be hard to bare.

I have nothing to offer but my body and heart
Is this enough for our love to start?
I can’t give you riches like money and pearls
The riches I have, are, my love for one girl.

One Christmas morning

On Christmas morning, I found I must have been bad,
Because presents from Santa; there's not one that I had.

Twas the day after Christmas
And boy am I glad
Didn’t get what I wanted
So I’m really mad.

Better with age

This poem is written, for the ladies out there
You know the ones, with grey in their hair.

Words by themselves are simple and plain
But through the pen of a poet, they suddenly change.
Put down on paper, those simple words can convey
A thought, vision or desire, while describing a day.

From the moment of birth
When the new baby arrives
We swear to protect them
For the rest of our lives.

Where is my love;
When times are tough?
Who is my strength;
When mines not enough?

Children stop waiting, last month of the year
For them it’s a sign... Christmas is here!
Across the whole world, all over this earth
It's a reminder, of Jesus’s birth

Doc was the dealer….He supplied all the dope.
Sneezy loved to snort his stuff, which happens to be coke.
Happy was the pot head, he smiled all the time
And Dopey loved to sniff the glue, he bought at the five and dime.

My dearest love, to you I write
I've not found you yet, but one day I might
This letter is to tell you, of... the love I hold for you
And the many different ways, in which... I'll try to show I do.

Ten Thousand Kisses, I promise to you,
With, all of my love; multiplied by two.
For the rest of my life, to the end of my days
I’ll love only you, in every possible way.

The Best Poem Of Paul (ChryWizard) Posney

As You Lay Sleeping

As you lay sleeping peacefully in bed
While you are dreaming; sweet dreams in you head.
I watch you in slumber with eyes filled with love
It’s a love that’s so rare so few even know of.
I smile to myself as I gaze down at you
In my minds eye I see the things that we do.
I see us holding hands as we walk in a park
I love how you snuggle closer, when it’s spooky and dark.
You never complain that I leave my socks where they lay
With one kiss from you, you brighten my day.
You put notes in my pockets assuring me too
That your heart is mine, like mine; belongs to you.

I think to of the life, that we’ve yet to live
Of all the possibilities, this life has to give.
With you at my side the world opens to me
There’s nothing I can’t do, your love helps me to see.
At night before bed you encourage me to talk
And you never push hard if there’s a subject I balk
As you lay sleeping I remember our first kiss way back then
And I fall in love with you Sweetheart, all over again.

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