Paul Jonathan Stertz

Paul Jonathan Stertz Poems

In pain you came screaming into this world,
From the day your eyes opened the darts were hurled.
Live long enough, you may see through those eyes
That mother who bore you suffer and die.

The wind blows cold upon the hill
Chilling my heart-colder still.
The wind and I have a pact, you see;
I know it-and It knows me.

Today is the day; now is the time...
Yesterday's gone-not worth a dime.
But I spent today in a haze of blue,
Because yesterday, I thought of you.

A verbal offense at a critical hour
Tears down fences and hits like a hammer
Smashes like a steam roller
Don't let em tell you words don't have power

Filled by a tsunami, then shattered in an earthquake,
for what it's worth, this is my take.
The glass not half full or empty-this glass is gone,
Whatever was left got blown away by some terrorist's bomb.

Do you ever wish that you could circle back,
And get it right,
And put the train back on the track?
Undo the terminal decisions,

A sunny day, bodies in motion
Millions of people-crowds like an ocean.
A morbid thought drifts through my head;
In the mind of my eye, everyone's dead.

Something is missing from down inside me,
Something that nobody else can see.
A secret inside that is all of my own,
Born of the time when you left me alone.

From the day I was born I've been on the outside,
Shied from the spotlight and learned how to hide.
Found a place to be alone,
Away and forgotten-a Zone of my Own.

God! The bridge is out up around the bend-
Can't anyone else see how this will end?
I warn; they laugh, and careen and cajole-
Until they plunge headlong into that black hole.

My love is a Rose by another name,
Her beautiful face puts its petals to shame.
A flower we have and we call it a rose,
My love is a flower who nobody knows.

Through the glass darkly I see this unfold:
Nations in misery, suff'rings untold.
Creator of all, Lord of all lands,
Your work is perfect, but I don't understand.

Before I met you, there was something missing
Like a ship in a storm, my soul was listing-
You weren't in my life, yet I understood
Because you weren't there, I missed all that was good.

Just or unjust-they all get their share
Life has its balance, though not always fair.

Rain falls on rich men, and poor men as well,

So this is war, not what I expected, we try to build it back up cause someone wrecked it
Erect it, a new society, not sure what that's got to do with me
I don’t even know your names, but I see your faces, people
Living in these places, spaces cut off from reason, Season after season

She said it was fate, it was great, and he knew she was right
Just two people, ships passing at night-but she turned on her lights,
And he stayed with her long enough to know that he loved her
Somehow he knows he can't keep her, but he keeps her letters

Time goes by slowly for me in my room
Out on the window ledge, spring flowers bloom.

I cannot see them, try as I may

Knell of destruction,
Toll of the bell,
The promise of promises
Blown to hell.


In ancient times, masters of their trade
Changed the world by what they made.
Hell-bent on their somber mission
Hammering, pounding into submission

'Vanity of vanities, '
The preacher wrote.
From the Word of the Lord
The truth I quote.

Paul Jonathan Stertz Biography

I am just a simple guy from Wisconsin, however I have had the opportunity to travel the world and gain insight into many different cultures, and gain lots of interesting life experiences. As a young man in grade school, I begrudgingly completed my English assignments-until I came across the works of Edgar Alan Poe. I was mesmerized! His poetry seemed to be speaking all of my mind. Poe is, I suppose you could say, my idol within the realm of writing. I am pleased to see that his works are given their due place of prominence on this site. You may notice that many of my poems are dark and melancholy in nature as well; not because I am trying to copycat Poe, but because they are coming from a similar type of mindset. (I am not a drug addict though-well at least not yet) I genuinely hope my writings can be enjoyed by those who read them here.)

The Best Poem Of Paul Jonathan Stertz

Life Sucks, Then You Die

In pain you came screaming into this world,
From the day your eyes opened the darts were hurled.
Live long enough, you may see through those eyes
That mother who bore you suffer and die.

Soon you'll meet someone who might be 'The One, '
You'll whisper sweet nothings and have fun in the sun.
Then she will leave you high and dry;
Life sucks, and then you die.

The harder you work, the more you hurt;
They'll take your pants if you give them your shirt.
Why be their pawn-why the hell try?
Life sucks, and then you die.

People are evil in front of your face,
To hell with them all; screw the rat race.
What can you do though-maybe get high?
Life sucks, and then you die.

Three score and ten-if you're unlucky,
Years in this dung heap-ain't it just ducky?
Don't worry yourself, though; time will fly,
Life sucks, and then you die.

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