Pijush Biswas Poems

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Sonnet14: Go, But Never Look Back At My Eyes A Day

Go, but never look back at my eyes a day
Forget all those numbness I lost within
To thy eloquent approach, clear as shining May
Perhaps, thou must not at all bear being thin

Sweet Flowers

Sweet flowers, ah, along the lane
All bloom when I go by
Mystic and gloomy, swear!
All those when glitter not, I

Lyrics: The Day Is So Long

The day is so long
The day is so long,
But I've'nt seen you
Long a distance that I may go,


The fullness of fire and scent of jasmine
I will let these go through valley;
Birds those are barbaric, must sing now fine
And rooted trees be not worry


I think, where happiness is
Somewhere it's undergrowth, where,
To such impiety, rings knell-
I awake to the sea bliss


You may forget me in your busy life
Such as some past reputes are gone away
You may laugh at me saying it so brief
I had done throughout my life, and say ' nay ';

Die In Marriage

Marriage is at so far distance woe
First people take birth in rich family
Unwilling to choice low-place, then allow;
If e'er they thron'd as king, be willy

Sonnet 51: Or, If You Give No Surety To Live

Or, if you give no surety to live
Or, today's dullness of lives you pour on
We, mere being hollow in speech must grieve
Unto the date comes we guaranteed by;

Fear Not

Fear not the hot-summer's rages!
Whereas you had done your deed long ago;
Must you get thoroughly the wages
As thousand miles in life yet to go.

A Maid-Servant

Here a maid-servant tired of washing dishes
'Let me sleep now, let me go' oft she claims
As little earnings do not satisfy, highly she wishes
But whene'er she evades works, on her the house-mother blames.

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