16.08.2009 Midrashic Miracle Missiles Poem by Margaret Alice

16.08.2009 Midrashic Miracle Missiles

In August 1990, Saddam Hussein, threatening to
burn Israel with chemical warheads, marched
his men into Kuwait

All nations reacted with fear, but the Rebbe spread
a message of confidence, quoting an ancient
Midrashic passage foretelling

Unfolding events – When the Moshiach is revealed,
kings will provoke one another, nations will be in
turmoil, Israel will cry

Where shall we go, what shall we do, and G-d will
say - I did all for your sake, do not fear, the time
of your redemption is near

The Rebbe declared Israel to be the safest place, said
gas-masks would prove unnecessary, the war would
be over by Purim

As SCUD missiles with 600 pounds of explosives
fell on Tel Aviv, citizens listened in disbelief to
broadcasted newsreels

Crowded buildings were hit, yet not no-one was harmed,
on the traditional day of merry-making for Queen Esther
saving the nation, known as Purim

The war was officially over - the media paid little attention
to these miraculous events - the Rebbe said, but WE must
publicize G-d’s miraculous deeds…

http: //www.chabad.org/therebbe/timeline_cdo/aid/62184/jewish/1991-Missiles-Miracles.htm

Chabad.org » The Rebbe » Life » Timeline Biography »
1991: Missiles & Miracles

In January 1991, my mother was in Israel, staying with
a family in Jerusalem. I never took note of the miraculous
nature of their escape from disaster; only when I read the
facts of what transpired at the time, did I realize the full
extent of the marvelous events. Quantum mechanics
offers an explanation for the fact that ALL faith in
goodness and ALL religion is blessed when followed
with integrity and I rejoice with everybody who
experiences miracles.

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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