2010/09/21 Penal Servitude Poem by Margaret Alice

2010/09/21 Penal Servitude

Though I sneak peeks at Terry Pratchett’s description
of an adminsitrative hell in his novel Eric, the chemical
depression is the winner in life’s game of chance and
the Troll Interpol’s ceaseless messages of criminals
defrauding each other

I believe only thieves have a lot of money they are willing
to squander on other thieves because an honest person
would not be involved in shady deals with conmen - my
view of crime is based on the character Moist Von Lipwig
created in Going Postal by Pratchett

Interpol is a Troll employing several Golems to chase down
one group of criminals accused by criminals complainants
of defrauding them through breach of trust – how on earth
does any honest person who knows mankind’s weakness
for money and wealth entrust their money to them

Unless that wealth has been acquired in doubtful ways - the
Golems have sacred words written in their heads making
them operate by stealth to do police work - Adora Belle
Dearheart frees the Golems from servitude, enabling
them to buy themselves from their masters

She would have saved me from becoming one of Interpol’s
Golems - since my life is based on the sacred words in my
head also, maybe she could unlock the iron safe in which
allegiance to duty is locked so that I cannot break out of
penal servitude...

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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