3 Catholic Us Supreme Court Justices Boycott Pope Francis Poem by Saiom Shriver

3 Catholic Us Supreme Court Justices Boycott Pope Francis

Pope Francis speaks against
the rich robbing from the poor.
against war, against execution

Is that why US Supreme Court justices
Scalia, Thomas, and Alito did not attend
the Pope's inspiring elocution?

3 Catholic Us Supreme Court Justices Boycott Pope Francis
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
Note: Pope Francis for many years has lived with only one lung.

3 of the 5 executioners on the Court who are Catholic boycotted the talk of Pope Francis, perhaps because he has spoken of the evil of unrestrained capitalism which has made larger than ever before the gap between the rich and the poor.

Because of the bartering of the Bush administration and the US Catholic bishops,

most Catholic bishops in the US were silent about the ungodly wars in Iraq, Afghanistan waged by the US government.. In return, the Bushes were responsible for the appointment of ostensbily prolife Catholics to the Supreme Court. Is it an oxymoron for a man to call himself prolife when voting to ratify the bombing of people around the world, to execute prisoners, to deny animals even the slightest modicum of legal protection, to quash the lawsuits of those working to protect Mother Earth's plants, water and air?

The current justices of whom 6 are Catholic and 3 are Jewish. There are no Protestants, Buddhists, Native Americans, Hindus, Sufis, Muslims, Taoists on the current court.

Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, John G. Roberts, Anthony M. Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Elena Kagan.

This writer will not vote for Ted Cruz but was happy to hear him echo the views of others

that the beliefs of the vast majority of 360 million Americans should not be quashed by 5 unelected lawyers on the Court.

https: //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Pope_Francis_Korea_Haemi_Castle_19_(cropped) .jpg
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