343. Poem by Jaden Knight


I want you to imagine a country
where violence and crime do not exist
prisons could be turned in to something else
like homes or shops
an age of homelessness can end

I want you to think of a hemisphere
where borders do not mean anything
and countries have nothing to fight for or defend
we can have a break from pointless wars
an age of war can end

I want you to picture a world
where people don't kill or die
for their skin colour or the god they worship
the religions of the world unite against hatred
a new age of understanding can begin

I want you to see a universe
where the ill treatment of animals is non-existent
and no beast or bird is wrongfully harmed
we respect those who share our worlds with us
a new age of cohabitation can begin

If you can picture these in your head
and believe that they are possible
why can't we start work to make these happen
and the age of humanity can continue

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Bri Edwards 04 August 2016

Profanisaurus, i just read 343. very nice. not that it will ever happen, but................one can hope/wish/pray. i liked your repetitious use of want and can. and the rest of your construction and thoughts were very fine. i'll send to MyPoemList and put in AUGUST'S a showcase for PH poets. bri ;) have a tooth fairy wand-filled evening!

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