58. Eternal Search Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

58. Eternal Search

O, the hymns of my soul,
The warmth of my heart,
I cracked time and split the space,
I dived to sea and rose to sky
In your search.

I pierced night, winnowed light,
I set my guard on all horizons,
I pierced within and spread outside
And searced time from the past to future
In your search.

I chose words, I created worlds
To impale you in poetry's net;
I engaged thoughts, begged wits
To hold you in my eager heart
And bind you to my dreams.

I flew on the wings of birds
And ran with the sun, day and night;
I dug with roots of old trees
And spread to all holes on the earth
To find you there.

The worlds of several sheaths and hues,
Of infinite distance and time gap
Hold us apart somewhere
To blur our sights, to dim insights
And all our search goes in vain.

The nights bring dreamless sleeps,
The days bring fruitless labour
And I end up in open desert;
No bridges, but erratic sandstorms
Bring the search to a grinding halt.

When the self stills and sky clears,
When you peep through the winnocks of time,
New wings sprout, old resolves shout
And I shoot to open sky
To find a door from where I reach you.

Somewhere you are, very far,
Where I don't know;
I need you and you need me, we know;
But, how to reach, we don't know,
Though, we must, some unknown day.

Bonnie Lundgren 09 February 2010

Praveen, this is very beautiful. The words flow smoothly and finely. In it, I see God's search for man. Even when we would hide ourselves from the living God, He finds us and calls to us. We need only to respond.

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